A Transformative Moment

Recently, the director of Pursue Life Adult Ministry experienced this when a call came from an older adult named Sherry*. Her life was changing course after a recent divorce, and she found herself facing the challenges of starting anew.
Sherry shared with the director that she would be moving into an apartment in March, with only her clothes and a few wall decorations. Without furniture her new place felt empty and financial constraints added to the weight of her situation. The director immediately set out to find a way to provide the assistance Sherry needed.
Remarkably, God’s perfect timing unfolded again. Shortly after learning about Sherry’s circumstances, the director received an unexpected call from a realtor. The realtor shared that he was working with a client who, after the passing of her husband, had moved in with her children. The client had left all her belongings behind to be given to others who might be in need. The director thought of Sherry and promptly arranged for her to visit the house.

The visit turned into a transformative moment for Sherry as she was able to retrieve much-needed furniture and household items to make her new place feel like a home. Sherry expressed how badly she wanted to thank the woman who had given her belongings away, but because of her situation was unable to give financially. However, she found another way to express her gratitude and sent a heartfelt letter, sharing her own story and acknowledging the kindness she had received.
Talking with the director, Sherry reflected on the profound truth that even in the midst of their individual sufferings, God’s goodness remains steadfast. The connection between two lives, brought together by compassion and divine orchestration, highlights the beauty of God’s provision and the power of generosity.

As Sherry embarks on this new chapter of her life, we invite you to join us in praying for her. Ask God to for His grace and guidance to accompany her every step and give her courage in the season of life ahead of her. *Name changed