Ocean View Cabin
Ocean View Cabin 50-79 years*
$2017 total for package
Ocean View Cabin 50-79 years*
$2017 total for package
Balcony Cabin 50-79 years*
$2,446 total for package
*Travelers 80+ years old must call for current pricing due to varied travel medical insurance rates.
**Package deals guaranteed through 8/3/20. Rooms are not secured until payment is cleared.
Other travel options available. Non-group rate cabins are subject to actual rates on the day of reservation. Call or visit the website for current, non-group pricing and requirements: ocean view cabins, balcony cabins and single occupancy cabins. Note: $175 tax credit allowable as island mission experience donation in 2020 tax filing.
Pursue Life Adult Ministry recommends Travel Protection as all trip costs are non-refundable. Please see our frequently asked questions for more information: pursuelifeaz.com/faqs.
Passports are required and must remain valid for six months beyond completion of your travel.
Terms & Conditions
Reservations for group pricing must be made by 8/3/20. Group rate space is limited.
*Group rate package includes: Cruise (includes port charges, taxes and fees), airfare, lodging, room tips, mission experience, administration fees and medical insurance for people 50 – 79 years of age (people 80+ years, call for group rate package). Costs will vary after 8/3/20.
Not included: Trip cancellation insurance, travel day meals, upgrades, travel related changes, transfers and tips, island excursions, shopping and extra accommodations aboard the ship.
Pursue Life Adult Ministry recommends Travel Protection as all trip costs are non-refundable. For trip protection contact service@missionsafe.com or call 800-682-3461 and reference Pursue Life for personalized service, quoting and enrollment.
Click here to read international travel and travel insurance frequently asked questions.